I am creating a graph with manually positioned nodes and use the splines="curved" type of edges between them.
digraph graphname {
node[shape = box, margin="0.03,0.03", fontsize=11, height=0.1, width=0.1, fixedsize=false];
"LeftFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-150,-150!"];
"RightFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-90,-150!"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot" [pos="0,-150!"];
edge[style = solid,fontsize=11];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":n -> "RightFoot\nRightHand":n [label = "3", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":s -> "LeftFoot\nRightHand":s [label = "7", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
The problem is that one of the edges is bent to the wrong side, so it passes through a node:
Is there an easy way to fix this, like e.g. "bend left" or "bend right" in TikZ?
I tried to use the pos attribute on the edge to set a spline control point to change the bend, however this does not appear to change the edge at all.
In Grapvhiz
this seems to be fixed. I've scaled thepos
slightly but left the rest of the code alone:Dot source: