I'd like to serve static content from a controller action in Rails the same way that Rails serves static content out of the public directory. I do not want to just change the path of the public directory or add another path to Rails to serve files from there. I want to explicitly handle requests to specific files in a controller to verify the request depending on the requested files.
I naively tried to use send_file
but then I can not use range requests anymore.
class MyController < ApplicationController
def dummyAction
filePath = 'foo/bar/baz.mp3'
send_file(filePath, {:filename => "baz.mp3", :type => "audio/mpeg"})
I'd prefer to use Rails instead of writing all the code myself. Is there something in Rails to do this? Maybe a Gem?
Better to store your files in the assets directory or create a static resource controller or use public folder. See: http://railscasts.com/episodes/117-semi-static-pages and if you have access http://railscasts.com/episodes/117-semi-static-pages-revised this may of interest as well: https://github.com/thoughtbot/high_voltage
But if you must go this (wrong) way then: Add path to your config\routes.rb
Add mime type to config/initializers/mime_types.rb:
Edit controller to:
Save your file as MyController/dummyAction.mp3.erb