How can I programmatically send an e-mail that is encrypted and signed using S/MIME?
How I currently do it:
- Prepare MFMailComposer
- Save the mail as a draft
- Switch to native mail app
- Open said draft
- Send draft (which is automatically encrypted/signed by opening it directly from the mail app)
This seems unproductive.
Why I want MFMailComposer: If internet is unavailable, mail will be put in the outbox and sent automatically as soon as internet is available. If there is a solution to my S/MIME problem that doesn't rely on MFMailComposer, it has to have this "automatic-send"-feature.
Apple does not allow you to sent emails without MFMailComposer (because it would be easy to abuse). The only way I can think of is to send your email to your sever and and encrypt it there/send it. You can always check if there is no intenet connection and write the contents of the email to a temp file and send it when internet is available.
Hope this helps. Regards.