How to send Google Talk (XMPP) messages with only gmail Adress?

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i searched this but i couldn't find any solution ...

I want to develop an application in android , in this application you have a friend list. i want to you can send messages with XMPP to your friends, and get messages with XMPP through Google Talk Server . For be able to do this, i created a instance application about sending Google Talk (Xmpp) messages between two Android devices with this link and this link. i used asmack.jar for this and now i can send messages between 2 device. But Problem is this ;

i have two gmail addresses , for example [email protected] and [email protected] .

for chat between 2 devices and send message from first one to second recipient , i have to write "[email protected]/Smack014GAB5B....." as recipent address . if i only write "[email protected]" as recipient , i can't send it ...

Question is , how can i send message to recipient without "Smack014GAB5B..." extension after "/" ?

Any help would be great ...


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