I am trying to use PuTTY to communicate over my computer's serial line. I have configured the correct serial line, baud rate, number of data bits, stop bits, parity, and flow control, and established the connection. When I click OK to open the connection, I am shown a black screen and each of my key presses are sent without being shown on the screen (the window remains black). How do I configure PuTTY so that it only sends my commands or opcodes after I press enter?
I have used PuTTY while at college for Telnet / SSH and it always showed my commands and input them only after I pressed the enter key, so I am a bit confused.
The settings you need are "Local echo" and "Line editing" under the "Terminal" category on the left.
To get the characters to display on the screen as you enter them, set "Local echo" to "Force on".
To get the terminal to not send the command until you press Enter, set "Local line editing" to "Force on".
From the PuTTY User Manual (Found by clicking on the "Help" button in PuTTY):
Putty sometimes makes wrong choices when "Auto" is enabled for these options because it tries to detect the connection configuration. Applied to serial line, this is a bit trickier to do.