How to send a msmq message to a remote host? (Rhino ServiceBus)

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in the course of writing a robust message infrastructure on a windows network, i've decided to use a service bus on top of msmq; since i wanted to keep the overhead at a minimum i went with Rhino Service Bus.

What i have in mind is that any client (4-5 tops) of the service can notify one machine on the network by pushing a message on this machine queue. The message is then processed by a service. So in my mind what i had was something like

  • Many clients notify the same remote endpoint
  • One service pulls the messages out of the queue and handles them

However i'm having a problem regarding the remote sending; my message simply doesn't appear in the queue. What i checked is

  • no error is reported by RSB
  • according to what i got from the net, i've apparently left all permissions wide open on the remote machine.
  • the remote endpoint looks like it's translated correctly by RSB, with the correct syntax.
  • In a network sniffer i see traffic related to MSMQ taking place.
  • it's working if all the posting/processing of messages is done on the same machine

I don't really see where to go from there to check where the problem lies. How can i check that the permissions are correct? Are there samples that show out-of-the box remote communications between machines for RSB?


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