I used Pandas’ resample function for calculating the sales of a list of proucts every 6 months. I used the resample function for ‘6M’ and using apply({“column-name”:”sum”}).
Now I’d like to create a table with the sum of the sales for the first six months.
How can I extract the sum of the first 6 months, given that all products have records for more than 3 years, and none of them have the same start date?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Here is an example of the data:
Product Date sales
Product 1 6/30/2017 20
12/31/2017 60
6/30/2018 50
12/31/2018 100
Product 2 1/31/2017 30
7/31/2017 150
1/31/2018 200
7/31/2018 300
1/31/2019 100
While waiting for your data, I worked on this. See if this is something that will be helpful for you.
The output of this will be:
The half year cumulative sum for each half year.
I will look at your sample data and work on it later tonight.