So I have this working codeblock in my script to replace the decimal seperator from comma "," into period "." ,when editing a form. Because in this region the decimal seperator comma is normal I also want the values to be displayed like this 1,99€ so I reverted the working function. The selected fields should change on load. When the form gets submitted I will cange it back again. For this example I show you only one of the fields.
The value="1.5" gets loaded from the Magento-Backend the wrong way, which is another story:
I included onload:"function(event)"
and window.onload = function();
to show two my attempts to adress this function from jQuery: jQuery('form').on('change', '#price', function(event)
I also need to know how to remove the .on('change' part. First time using Js und jQuery. I really tried everything.
<body onload="function(event)">
<input id="price" value="1.5">
window.onload = function();
jQuery('form').on('change', '#price', function(event) {
if (jQuery('#price').val().includes('.')) {
var varwithpoint = jQuery('#price').val();
varwithcomma = varwithcomma.replace(",",".");
else {
console.log('no dot to replace');
There were a few parts of the code which didn't seem to be working as intended, so below is a basic example of code that will convert the "," to a "." if stored in the input "price", and check this after each change of the value;