How to seed Hangfire database in core 2.0

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I'm trying to integrate "Hangfire" to my existing ASP.NET Core application. Looking into the documentaion, looks like the Hangfire db needs to be created if we want to use SQL Server storage option. But it would be really annoying to create a db every time we spin up a new server.

Is there a way I could seed DB with the SQL Storage option enabled rather than from startup class like this?

 services.AddHangfire(options =>

There are 1 answers

Denny Puig On

A good solution could be to isolate this concern to some TSQL scripts and run those scripts when the app startup or before running your tests (based on your scenario), but a quick solution that I have used before is something like this (based on this post).

public class HangfireContext : DbContext
    public HangfireContext(DbContextOptions options)
        : base(options)

public class Startup

   public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
      var connectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("HangfireConnectionString");
      var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<HangfireContext>();
      var hangfireDbContext = new HangfireContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

      services.AddHangfire(config =>