My key is composite key
public struct Mykey{
public int index;
public string known1;
public string known2;
I want get key with max index by known1 and known2, my code as follows
Dictionary<key, value> dict = new Dictionary<key, value>();
// below O(n) operation
dict.Where( k => (k.Key.known1 =="str1") && (k.Key.known2=="str2")).Max(k => k.Key.index);
MSDN :Dictionary Getting or setting the value of this property approaches an O(1) operation
dict[key] = item ;// MSDN sample O(1) key known
Is there possible approach O(1) to get max index for unknown composite key like MSDN sample?
No if you want to do it on your existing dictionary.
As an option - build additional index (dictionary) by your "known" part of the key and store sorted list (or heap) of items for each key. It'll get search to be O(1), but add/remove will go up to O(log N) to support sort order.