I´m using jetty-runner to start my application. On every start it creates an new temp folder. I would like to avoid it. Here is my example:
java -Djava.io.tempdir=webapp -jar jetty-runner-9.3.0.M2.jar wars\*.war context.xml
When I start it, it creates a folder in webapp jetty-
. So it uses the right syntax "jetty-"+host+"-"+port+"-"+resourceBase+"-_"+context+"-"+virtualhost+"-"+randomdigits+".dir"
My question ist how to avoid it, to generate random digits. I would like to reuse webapps and only genreate new one, if my wars changes.
So how I see, there is no chance to avoid generation of randomdigits :-( See source code: org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration