I have the following problem. I am trying to create a web site with the membership authentication and I use the membership data store database to store the information from the CreateUserWizard fields. But I want to add also several more fields(for example FirstName and LastName) to that wizard. I know how to add the fields but the problem is that I can't find information how to store the information from them (i.e. FirstName and LastName) in a separate database, which is different from the Membership database? Is this possible at all? Because I need the membership database for the authentication but I also need my own database where to store additional information which I need for the web site and I need the FirstName and LastName in that database and not in the Membership database?
Could you please help me?
I have searched a lot for information but the only thing that I can find is how to use another table in the Membership database, which doesn't satisfy me.
Thank you in advance!
Inorde to store your custom data, you need to make use of, Membership profiles. You find more info over here