How to save in php var an Javascript output

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I have an cURL php output in a variable that contains the following code

document.writeln('<td align=left valign=top> SOME TEXT </td>')
document.writeln('<td class=tdrescent valign=top>10-04-2013</td>')
document.writeln('<td class=tdrescent valign=top>10-04</td>')
document.writeln('<td class=tdresizq valign=top> TEXT</td>')

i need to extract the content of the table.( some text ,10-04-2013,10-04,TEXT)

I try it to save it in a variable, making an ob_start() to capture the output but don't work.

  echo $out;
  $html = ob_get_contents();

i try it this to save an html content in a variable an after that, work with this.

what can i do ?


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