How to save embedded forms in symfony 1?

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I have a form which represnts single answer object (this is standard propel generated form I have not changed much there only some validation rules) and another form that represents a collection of answers code as below:

class BbQuestionAnswersForm extends sfForm {

  public function __construct($defaults = array(), $options = array(), $CSRFSecret = null) {
    parent::__construct($defaults, $options, $CSRFSecret);

  public function configure() {
    if (!$questions = $this->getOption('questions')) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException('The form need array of BbExamQuestion objects.');
    if (!$taker = $this->getOption('taker')) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException('The form need BbExamtaker object.');
    if (!$user = $this->getOption('questions')) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException('The form need sfGuardUser object.');

    foreach($questions as $question) {
      $answer = new BbExamAnswer();
      $form = new BbExamAnswerForm($answer, array('question' => $question));

      $this->embedForm($question->getId(), $form);


Everything(validation, display) goes fine with this form until I try to save it. Part of action which trying to save the form:

    $this->form = new BbQuestionAnswersForm(null, array('questions' => $this->questions, 'taker' => $this->taker, 'user' => $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()));
    if($request->isMethod('post')) {
      if($this->form->isValid()) {
        if($this->form->save()) {
          $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'Save goes fine.');
        } else {
          $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 'Upps an error occurred.');

When I send valid form I receive "Call to undefined method BbQuestionAnswersForm::save()" error.

I tried to write this method like this:

public function save() {
    $conn = Propel::getConnection(ZlecPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
      foreach($this->getEmbeddedForms() as $form) {
    } catch(Exception $e) {
      echo 'upps something goes wrong';
      return false;
    return true;

but it doesnt work, I receive exception without any message.

What am I doing wrong, how to make save method work?


There are 2 answers


Save method should looks like this:

public function save($con = null) {
    if (null === $con) {
      $con = Propel::getConnection(BbExamAnswerPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
      foreach($this->embeddedForms as $name => $form) {
        if(!isset($this->values[$name]) || !is_array($this->values[$name])) {
        if($form instanceof sfFormObject) {
        } else {
          throw new Exception('Embedded form should be an instance of sfFormObject');
    } catch(Exception $e) {
      throw $e;
      return false;

    return true;
dotcomly On

I believe your BbQuestionAnswersForm is extending the wrong object. It should extend BaseFormDoctrine or possibly BaseBbQuestionAnswersForm if you are using the framework correctly.

Edit: Just noticed you are using propel but it should be the same thing. Try:

class BbQuestionAnswersForm extends BaseBbQuestionAnswersForm

and less likely:

class BbQuestionAnswersForm extends BaseFormPropel