The usual process when building a project is that the AssemblyInfo patcher is run once all files have been dragged down from source control.
We have a problem with this when using CodeSmith. The problem is that we have two build steps.
Step 1 - Run CodeSmith Template Build
This generates a Visual Studio Solution
Step 2 - Build Visual Studio Project
This generates our build.
We want to run the AssemblyInfo patcher after Step 1 completes as there won't be an AssemblyInfo.cs file until the CodeSmith templates generate it.
Is there any way to do this?
We are using TeamCity 7.0.3 and Visual Studio 2010 (SP1) on Windows 7.
Yes, you can accomplish this from one of the three methods below:
Right clicking on your csp file inside of Visual Studio project (in vs). Then make sure Generate on Build is checked. Finally, you just need to install and activate Generator on your build server under the user that teamcity uses.
Follow these steps to manually enable generate on build. Finally, you just need to install and activate Generator on your build server under the user that teamcity uses.
Use MsBuildCommunityTasks, which was written by a fellow CodeSmith Employee. It will generate an AssemblyInfo file and much more.
Thanks -Blake Niemyjski