I have simple feature:
Feature: Lol and other words
Scenario: Lol printing
Given I like print "lol"
Scenario Outline: Words printing
Given I like print "<word>"
| word |
| lol |
| ala |
And implementation:
from lettuce import step
@step('I like print "([^"]+)"')
def step_impl(step, word):
print word
When PyCharm lettuce test runner execute feature its run first scenario without problems but second is never executed (however it knows that there is other scenario) - so it looks like:
How to run
Scenario Outline
with this runner?
Windows 8.1, PyCharm 4.0.1 139.556 EAP Professional, lettuce 0.2.20, Python27
This is bug and it is reported to JetBrains team: