I want to run LuSTScenario with veins,omnet,but the scenario is too big that the simulation runs very slowly. So it may cost one day or more to run a complete simulation.Is there any way to work smart and run only a specific period of simulation,such as 8:00AM-9:00AM,4:00PM-5:00PM?
How to run only a specific period of simulation in veins,omnet?
463 views Asked by Judy.Z At
Yes, you can ideed limit the simulation interval by using the following two parameters:
from the TraCIScenarioManager to define the beginning of the simulation. Thus, Veins will only simulate vehicles starting from this point.sim-time-limit
from OMNeT++ to define the end of the simulation.Example (8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.):
A few more hints for coping with a slow simulation:
as runtime environment (./run -u Cmdenv