I have a bunch of .sp
files that need to be simulated with Cadence Spectre. Instead of run spectre
as --
run spectre 1.sp->exit->run spectre 2.sp->exit->...
-- is there some kind of batch mode in Spectre so that i can launch Spectre once and execute these tasks sequentially (hold the spectre and run next task)? How can I achieve this?
I need this because each time launching the Spectre it needs check the license and does other things, costing unnecessary time.
Thanks in advance.
error message:
invalid command name "if{!0}"
while executing
"if{![eof $log]} {
puts [gets $log]
} else {
close $log
incr event_flag
(procedure "GetData" line 3)
invoked from within
"GetData file3"
can't wait for variable "event_flag": would wait forever
while executing
You can use open command in tool interactive mode