I am working in Intellij with Cursive on a clojure project that has sub projects below it. I imported the top level project asking the import to search for projects recursively.
Each of the sub module projects has a combination of clojure and java code.
To run all of the junits for a module, I can right click and choose run and all tests. This produces a target folder with all the compiled java classes, but it does not compile the clojure code, so those classes are not found.
There is a Leiningen task to compile the clojure code into class files, but these get put into a different target folder (along with the regular java classes)
The target folders are a combination of profile names. The name created when running the junit tests is
The target folder when running lein compile has all the same parts but in a different order,
Is there a way to manage what target folder is used by a run configuration? Or, is there a way to force the order of the profile names used in creating a target?