How to run iperf command properly in Runtime.getRuntime().exec() android

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I try to run iperf server and client in my android device so i develop an app using exec() and it is working fine for ls, ping etc. command but when i try to run iperf -s i got error, Here is the code and i added internet permission in manifest file. Help will appreciate

What will be the working directory and environment for iperf command??

        StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();

        Process p;
        try {
            p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));

            String line = "";           
            while ((line = reader.readLine())!= null) {
                output.append(line + "\n");


I got following Error

06-14 13:14:01.023: W/System.err(1465): Error     running exec(). Command: [iperf, -s] Working Directory: null Environment: null
06-14 13:14:01.033: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.ProcessManager.exec(
06-14 13:14:01.033: W/System.err(1465):     at   java.lang.Runtime.exec(
06-14 13:14:01.053: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
06-14 13:14:01.053: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
06-14 13:14:01.053: W/System.err(1465):     at com.learn2crack.androidshell.ShellExecuter.Executer(
06-14 13:14:01.053: W/System.err(1465):     at com.learn2crack.androidshell.MainActivity$1.onClick(
06-14 13:14:01.063: W/System.err(1465):     at android.view.View.performClick(
06-14 13:14:01.063: W/System.err(1465):     at android.view.View$
06-14 13:14:01.063: W/System.err(1465):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
06-14 13:14:01.063: W/System.err(1465):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
06-14 13:14:01.063: W/System.err(1465):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-14 13:14:01.073: W/System.err(1465):     at
06-14 13:14:01.073: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-14 13:14:01.073: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
06-14 13:14:01.083: W/System.err(1465):     at$
06-14 13:14:01.083: W/System.err(1465):     at
06-14 13:14:01.103: W/System.err(1465):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
06-14 13:14:01.113: W/System.err(1465): Caused by: Permission denied
06-14 13:14:01.113: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.ProcessManager.exec(Native Method)
06-14 13:14:01.113: W/System.err(1465):     at java.lang.ProcessManager.exec(
06-14 13:14:01.123: W/System.err(1465):     ... 16 more

There are 1 answers

olidroide On

Sound a permissions problem check your logcat line:

Caused by: Permission denied

Maybe you can try execute a binary iperf in a external sd card? try to add permissions to read/write external storage.