I tried to work with images using IDL Band Math. The images have 90 bands and set variable pos=[0,1...90,],but only get one band(band1) into last.tiff
PRO bandmath
compile_opt IDL2
e = envi()
print, Path
radiance_file = FILEPATH('QUAC.dat', $
raster = e.OpenRaster(radiance_file)
print, raster
fid = ENVIRasterToFID(raster)
exp = '(b1 le 0)*0+(b1 gt 0)*(b1*0.0001)'
ENVI_File_Query, fid, DIMS=dims, NB=nb
pos = lindgen(nb)
print, pos
out_name = "last.tiff"
ENVI_DOIT, 'MATH_DOIT', DIMS = dims, FID = fid, $
POS = pos, EXP = exp, OUT_NAME = out_name, R_FID = r_fid
you can find api named 'CF_DOIT' from envi claasic help