How to run gatling from code

6.8k views Asked by At

I would like to run Gatling test from code. How to do it? Tutorials says only about command line and sbt.

Context: I would like to extend tests. In background I have custom socket communication which I need to simulate. From that simulation I need to pass some generated Ids to Gatling test. I could do it by running it from my simulation app with parameters (but I don't know yet how). Other solution would be also a good answer.

I could do some passing through file and , but it is ugly..

Maybe there is way to run sbt task from scala code?


There are 2 answers

vkadam On
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingPropertiesBuilder

object Engine extends App {

  val props = new GatlingPropertiesBuilder
  props.dataDirectory("") //optional
  props.resultsDirectory("") //optional
  props.bodiesDirectory("") //optional
  props.binariesDirectory("") //optional


Hope this will help.

bjfletcher On

I agree that the documentation on the Gatling website doesn't explain that well (I looked for it the other day) however Gatling has provided an excellent sample with some documentation on how to achieve this: