I'm building a Sinatra app that uses TweetStream (which listens for Tweets using EventMachine). I would also like the app to serve pages like a normal Sinatra app but it seems like Sinatra can't "listen" for page requests when it's "listening" for Tweets.
Is this something I can fix by using a different server or structuring my app in a different way? I've tried using WebBrick and Thin.
Here is basically what I'm doing:
class App < Sinatra::Base
# listening for tweets
@client = TweetStream::Client.new
@client.track(terms) do |status|
# do some stuff when I detect terms
get '/' do
"Here's some page content!"
You can mount Sinatra apps within eventmachine (providing you you a awebserver that supports EM i.e., Thin). You should then have full access to the EM reactor loop from your Sinatra app, as well as allowing any other EM plugins to run too.
The Sinatra recipes have a good example:
here is a very stripped down version of the code: