I have the following function, which plots UMAP, based on the number of clusters I've chosen, and returns series 'labels'.
def UMAPplot_building(file_name, num_clusters):
logr_file = pd.read_csv(file_name, sep='\t')
projector = umap.UMAP(metric='euclidean', random_state=42, verbose=True)
logr_projection = projector.fit_transform(logr_file.T)
logr_projection = pd.DataFrame(logr_projection,
columns=['v1', 'v2'])
clustermap_result = clustermap_wp(logr_projection.T, xl=[], yl=[])
labels = cut_clustermap_tree(clustermap_result, num_clusters)
umap_plot(logr_projection, labels)
labels.index = [index.replace('.', '-') for index in labels.index]
return labels
To choose the amount of clusters I use interact_manual:
interact_manual(UMAPplot_building, num_clusters = widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max=20),
file_name=fixed(my_file, sep='\t'))
The problem is that I need to return 'labels' to use it further in my script. I know that for interactive we can use .result and it returns the value, but I cannot find how to do it using interact_manual. Thank you in advance.