Using the Microsoft
namespace as below, how to return
output like:
Where I'm running into a syntax error with the return clause:
nicholas@mordor:~/flwor$ basex sample.xq
Stopped at /home/nicholas/flwor/sample.xq, 17/37:
[XPST0003] Expecting ')', found '>'.
nicholas@mordor:~/flwor$ basex sample.full.xq
<Objs xmlns="" Version="">
<Obj RefId="0">
<TN RefId="0">
<S N="First Name">a</S>
<S N="Last Name">b</S>
<S N="Emails">a@b;[email protected]</S>
<S N="Phones">123 456-8904</S>
<S N="Company Name"/>
<Obj RefId="1">
<TNRef RefId="0"/>
<S N="First Name">c</S>
<S N="Last Name">c</S>
<S N="Emails">[email protected]</S>
<S N="Phones">123456-3532;563 346-3453</S>
<S N="Company Name"/>
nicholas@mordor:~/flwor$ cat sample.xq
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace ns1="";
for $contact in db:open("sample")
let $first := $contact//ns1:S[1][@N="First Name"]/data()
let $last := $contact//ns1:S[2][@N="Last Name"]/data()
let $emails := $contact//ns1:S[3][@N="Emails"]/data()
let $phones := $contact//ns1:S[4][@N="Phones"]/data()
return (<first>{$first}</first><last>{$last}</last>)
I've tried a few ways of wrapping the return
clause with parenthesis or curly brackets, but the examples I've seen aren't using a namespace as here.
the example output isn't distinguishing one contact from another.
Try it this way
Output should be