How to retrieve Airflow connections in bulk using bash? (Google Composer)

1.8k views Asked by At

I am trying to create a composer environment with the approach of infrastructure as code. For this, I need to be able to store and retrieve airflow variables programmatically, and keep them versioned somewhere.

The following command lets me list all my connections within the specified $COMPOSER_ENV

gcloud composer environments run `$COMPOSER_ENV` --location <location> connections -- --list

Here's the output :

│ Conn Id                        │ Conn Type                   │ Host                           │ Port   │ Is Encrypted   │ Is Extra Encrypted   │ Extra                          │
│ 'airflow_db'                   │ 'mysql'                     │ 'airflow-sqlp...rvice.default' │ None   │ True           │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'beeline_default'              │ 'beeline'                   │ 'localhost'                    │ 10000  │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...yjt7nj1C2Dzgm' │
│ 'bigquery_default'             │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...AOdwY-EnZLg==' │
│ 'local_mysql'                  │ 'mysql'                     │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ True           │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'presto_default'               │ 'presto'                    │ 'localhost'                    │ 3400   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'google_cloud_default'         │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...oMm2saUwAxQ==' │
│ 'hive_cli_default'             │ 'hive_cli'                  │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'pig_cli_default'              │ 'pig_cli'                   │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'hiveserver2_default'          │ 'hiveserver2'               │ 'localhost'                    │ 10000  │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'metastore_default'            │ 'hive_metastore'            │ 'localhost'                    │ 9083   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...vNSgFh1mE1HY=' │
│ 'mongo_default'                │ 'mongo'                     │ 'mongo'                        │ 27017  │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'mysql_default'                │ 'mysql'                     │ 'mysql'                        │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'postgres_default'             │ 'postgres'                  │ 'postgres'                     │ None   │ True           │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'sqlite_default'               │ 'sqlite'                    │ '/tmp/sqlite_default.db'       │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'http_default'                 │ 'http'                      │ ''     │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'mssql_default'                │ 'mssql'                     │ 'localhost'                    │ 1433   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'vertica_default'              │ 'vertica'                   │ 'localhost'                    │ 5433   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'wasb_default'                 │ 'wasb'                      │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...ST7E2347-uG4=' │
│ 'webhdfs_default'              │ 'hdfs'                      │ 'localhost'                    │ 50070  │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'ssh_default'                  │ 'ssh'                       │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'sftp_default'                 │ 'sftp'                      │ 'localhost'                    │ 22     │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...guLrr1ky5XpN2' │
│ 'fs_default'                   │ 'fs'                        │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...WqhP9ZLa8gQ==' │
│ 'aws_default'                  │ 'aws'                       │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'spark_default'                │ 'spark'                     │ 'yarn'                         │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...18ws2BelkcL8=' │
│ 'druid_broker_default'         │ 'druid'                     │ 'druid-broker'                 │ 8082   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...sC6Kcd9mOKhE=' │
│ 'druid_ingest_default'         │ 'druid'                     │ 'druid-overlord'               │ 8081   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...CpBdCkHuk5lqw' │
│ 'redis_default'                │ 'redis'                     │ 'redis'                        │ 6379   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...E1qdjhMngIg==' │
│ 'sqoop_default'                │ 'sqoop'                     │ 'rmdbs'                        │ None   │ False          │ False                │ ''                             │
│ 'emr_default'                  │ 'emr'                       │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...GsJIS8IjaBuM=' │
│ 'databricks_default'           │ 'databricks'                │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'qubole_default'               │ 'qubole'                    │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'segment_default'              │ 'segment'                   │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...oawClUj4Qzj8i' │
│ 'azure_data_lake_default'      │ 'azure_data_lake'           │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...DMIAMmOeZNg==' │
│ 'azure_cosmos_default'         │ 'azure_cosmos'              │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...tusOfGrWviAk=' │
│ 'azure_contai...ances_default' │ 'azure_container_instances' │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...q460BKvTu4Lk=' │
│ 'cassandra_default'            │ 'cassandra'                 │ 'cassandra'                    │ 9042   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'dingding_default'             │ 'http'                      │ ''                             │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'opsgenie_default'             │ 'http'                      │ ''                             │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'google_cloud...store_default' │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...ltsxQHWUgxA==' │
│ 'google_cloud_storage_default' │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...RNLazPEE7gQ==' │

The issue with this output is that it returns a hardly usable table of data (See image bellow). Ideally, it should return a json like structure.

  • Question 1 : Is there a quick way to export (and import?) the connections (and variables) as a json?
  • Question 2 : If Question 1 is "there isn't a way", then how do I turn this data into a beautiful dictionary or key-value like structure?

Also, any additional explanation on the awk/grep patterns would be very much appreciated.


There are 3 answers


Using cat file instead of your gcloud command which I don't have to generate the table in your question:

$ cat tst.awk
!/[[:space:]]/ {
    # Skip all lines that separate the data rows
(++nr) == 1 {
    # Set FS to whatever the combination of control chars is at the start of the first data line
    FS = "[[:blank:]]*" substr($0,1,RLENGTH) "[[:blank:]]*"
    # Get rid of the FSs at the start and end of the line to avoid leading/trailing null fields
    gsub("^" FS "|" FS "$","")
nr == 1 {
    # Store the header lines for later use
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
        hdr[i] = $i
    print "{"
    # Print the json-equivalent for the data on the current line
    printf "%s  %s: {\n", (nr>2 ? ",\n" : ""), $1
    for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
        printf "    \"%s\": %s%s\n", hdr[i], $i, (i<NF ? "," : "")
    printf "  }", $1
    print "\n}"

$ cat file | awk -f tst.awk
  "airflow_db": {
    "Conn_Type": "mysql",
    "Host": "airflow-sqlp...rvice.default",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": True,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "beeline_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "beeline",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 10000,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...yjt7nj1C2Dzgm"
  "bigquery_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...AOdwY-EnZLg=="
  "local_mysql": {
    "Conn_Type": "mysql",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": True,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "presto_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "presto",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 3400,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "google_cloud_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...oMm2saUwAxQ=="
  "hive_cli_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hive_cli",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "pig_cli_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "pig_cli",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "hiveserver2_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hiveserver2",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 10000,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "metastore_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hive_metastore",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 9083,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...vNSgFh1mE1HY="
  "mongo_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "mongo",
    "Host": "mongo",
    "Port": 27017,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "mysql_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "mysql",
    "Host": "mysql",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "postgres_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "postgres",
    "Host": "postgres",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": True,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "sqlite_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "sqlite",
    "Host": "/tmp/sqlite_default.db",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "http_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "http",
    "Host": "",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "mssql_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "mssql",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 1433,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "vertica_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "vertica",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 5433,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "wasb_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "wasb",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...ST7E2347-uG4="
  "webhdfs_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hdfs",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 50070,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "ssh_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "ssh",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "sftp_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "sftp",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 22,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...guLrr1ky5XpN2"
  "fs_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "fs",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...WqhP9ZLa8gQ=="
  "aws_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "aws",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "spark_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "spark",
    "Host": "yarn",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...18ws2BelkcL8="
  "druid_broker_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "druid",
    "Host": "druid-broker",
    "Port": 8082,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...sC6Kcd9mOKhE="
  "druid_ingest_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "druid",
    "Host": "druid-overlord",
    "Port": 8081,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...CpBdCkHuk5lqw"
  "redis_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "redis",
    "Host": "redis",
    "Port": 6379,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...E1qdjhMngIg=="
  "sqoop_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "sqoop",
    "Host": "rmdbs",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": ""
  "emr_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "emr",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...GsJIS8IjaBuM="
  "databricks_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "databricks",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "qubole_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "qubole",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "segment_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "segment",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...oawClUj4Qzj8i"
  "azure_data_lake_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "azure_data_lake",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...DMIAMmOeZNg=="
  "azure_cosmos_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "azure_cosmos",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...tusOfGrWviAk="
  "azure_contai...ances_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "azure_container_instances",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...q460BKvTu4Lk="
  "cassandra_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "cassandra",
    "Host": "cassandra",
    "Port": 9042,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "dingding_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "http",
    "Host": "",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "opsgenie_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "http",
    "Host": "",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "google_cloud...store_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...ltsxQHWUgxA=="
  "google_cloud_storage_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...RNLazPEE7gQ=="

Note that idk if that's actually valid json or not, I'm just moving blocks of text from positions in your input to positions in your output. Hopefully it'll be easy enough for you to make whatever changes you need to make to produce whatever output you actually wanted to get (which was missing from your question).

Alexandre Moraes On

As I can see you want to export your connections to a .json file.

Currently, according to the documentation, using the latest and the stable version of Airflow , you can export the connections to a .json file. The command is as follows,

airflow connections export connections.json


airflow connections export /tmp/connections --format json

The .json format uses the schema,

  "airflow_db": {
    "conn_type": "mysql",
    "host": "mysql",
    "login": "root",
    "password": "plainpassword",
    "schema": "airflow",
    "port": null,
    "extra": null
  "druid_broker_default": {
    "conn_type": "druid",
    "host": "druid-broker",
    "login": null,
    "password": null,
    "schema": null,
    "port": 8082,
    "extra": "{\"endpoint\": \"druid/v2/sql\"}"

In addition, each connection is store in a environment variable respecting this naming convention: AIRFLOW_CONN_{CONN_ID}, here.

kk1957 On

For Airflow 1

  1. Connect to correct pod
gcloud container clusters get-credentials PROJECT_PATH  --zone ZONE

PROJECT_PATH is something like projects/..../..gke : this is the value of GKE cluster field in the Environment detail section

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  1. From the NAMESPACE column take the name of a composer-* row and from the NAME column take the name of an airflow-worker-* row. Then connect to the worker as follows:
kubectl exec -itn composer-1-10-0-airflow-1-10-6-5983e0fe airflow-worker-8d8c49c87-9v7c4 -- /bin/bash
  1. Once inside the worker, connect to database shell.
airflow shell

NOTE: If shell command is not available, use the instruction on to access the database. And then run the SQL

select   json_arrayagg(
             'id', id,
             'conn_id', conn_id,
             'conn_type', conn_type,
             'host', host,
             'extra', extra,
             'is_encrypted', is_encrypted,
             'is_extra_encrypted', is_extra_encrypted,
             'schema',IFNULL(`schema`, null)
        ) as json_result
from (select * from connection  ) x;