ERROR: MixedReturnTypeCoercion - src/Entity/User.php:98:16 - The type 'non-empty-array<array-key, "ROLE_USER"|mixed>' is more general than the declared return type 'array<array-key, string>' for App\Entity\User::getRoles (see
return array_unique($roles);
I am running psalm in a symfony project and getting the above Error, below is the method definition but I have no idea what to adjust in order to fix the error.
* @see UserInterface
* @psalm-return array<array-key, string>
* @return string[]
public function getRoles(): array
$roles = $this->roles;
// guarantee every user at least has ROLE_USER
$roles[] = 'ROLE_USER';
return array_unique($roles);
here are two solutions to this issue. It is an implementation of orklah answer.
The first solution is to declare
return value as an array ofstring
:Please note that Psalm allows the use of
is anarray<int, string>
which first key is0
:The second solution is more of a work-around: suppress the warning.