How to reshape wide summary tables?

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I need to transform a (sort of) wide-format dataset into a long-format one.

The dataset reports the years of begin and end of officials' mandates at different levels.
I would like to dummy out the official being in office for each year for each level (See: expected db).


  1. An official can be elected multiple times at the same level. The begin and end years of the first time the official is elected are reported in columns start_lv1_1 and stop_lv1_1, respectively. The second time in the columns start_lv1_2 and stop_lv1_2, respectively;
  2. If an official's mandate begins in 2000 and ends in 2005, I would like to assign the value of 1 only to the years up to 2005 (i.e. 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 - not 2005);
  3. Mandates can overlap.

Thanks very much in advance.

toy <- data.frame(
  id = c("A","B","C"),
  start_lv1_1 = c(2000,2000,2005),
  stop_lv1_1 = c(2005,2005,2010),
  start_lv1_2 = c(NA,2010,2015),
  stop_lv1_2 = c(NA,2015,2020),
  start_lv2_1 = c(NA,NA,2008),
  stop_lv2_1 = c(NA,NA,2018))

> toy
  id start_lv1_1 stop_lv1_1 start_lv1_2 stop_lv1_2 start_lv2_1 stop_lv2_1
1  A        2000       2005          NA         NA          NA         NA
2  B        2000       2005        2010       2015          NA         NA
3  C        2005       2010        2015       2020        2008       2018

Expected result

expected <- data.frame(
  id = c(rep("A",21),rep("B",21),rep("C",21)),
  year = rep(2000:2020,3),
  lv1 = c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
  lv2 = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,

   id year lv1 lv2
1   A 2000   1   0
2   A 2001   1   0
3   A 2002   1   0
4   A 2003   1   0
5   A 2004   1   0
6   A 2005   0   0
7   A 2006   0   0
8   A 2007   0   0
9   A 2008   0   0
10  A 2009   0   0
11  A 2010   0   0
12  A 2011   0   0
13  A 2012   0   0
14  A 2013   0   0
15  A 2014   0   0
16  A 2015   0   0
17  A 2016   0   0
18  A 2017   0   0
19  A 2018   0   0
20  A 2019   0   0
21  A 2020   0   0
22  B 2000   1   0
23  B 2001   1   0
24  B 2002   1   0
25  B 2003   1   0
26  B 2004   1   0
27  B 2005   0   0
28  B 2006   0   0
29  B 2007   0   0
30  B 2008   0   0
31  B 2009   0   0
32  B 2010   1   0
33  B 2011   1   0
34  B 2012   1   0
35  B 2013   1   0
36  B 2014   1   0
37  B 2015   0   0
38  B 2016   0   0
39  B 2017   0   0
40  B 2018   0   0
41  B 2019   0   0
42  B 2020   0   0
43  C 2000   0   0
44  C 2001   0   0
45  C 2002   0   0
46  C 2003   0   0
47  C 2004   0   0
48  C 2005   1   0
49  C 2006   1   0
50  C 2007   1   0
51  C 2008   1   1
52  C 2009   1   1
53  C 2010   0   1
54  C 2011   0   1
55  C 2012   0   1
56  C 2013   0   1
57  C 2014   0   1
58  C 2015   1   1
59  C 2016   1   1
60  C 2017   1   1
61  C 2018   1   0
62  C 2019   1   0
63  C 2020   0   0


There are 1 answers


tidyverse way :


toy %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -id, 
               names_to = c('.value', 'col'), 
               names_pattern = '(\\w+)_(lv\\d+)', 
               values_drop_na = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(year = map2(start, stop - 1, seq)) %>%
  unnest(year) %>%
  dplyr::select(-start, -stop) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = col, values_from = col, 
              values_fn = length, values_fill = 0) %>%
  complete(id, year = seq(min(year), max(year) + 1), 
           fill = list(lv1 = 0, lv2 = 0))

#   id     year   lv1   lv2
#   <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 A      2000     1     0
# 2 A      2001     1     0
# 3 A      2002     1     0
# 4 A      2003     1     0
# 5 A      2004     1     0
# 6 A      2005     0     0
# 7 A      2006     0     0
# 8 A      2007     0     0
# 9 A      2008     0     0
#10 A      2009     0     0
# … with 53 more rows

Create start and stop as different columns getting the data in long format. Create sequence of years between start and stop - 1, get the data in wide format and complete the sequence.