How to reset after MCI Error #10: cannot load driver

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I am using MCI in a C++ program to play multiple short MP3 files. Everything goes fine for several hours and hundreds of MP3 files played successfully. Then suddenly, I get MCI Error #10: cannot load driver. After this, I get the same error every time I open a new MP3 file. To get things working again, I have to stop and restart my program, after which everything goes fine again for an hour or two.

I could live with this glitch, if only I knew how to reset things after the error occurred, without having to restart my program.

Note: I don't have a memory leak, memory usage is stable over the hours of running.

I have found this: SetupDiRestartDevices function Does anyone have exeperience using this with an audio device? Do you think it might work from my program WITHOUT restarting the computer.


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