How to replace a selected item in flutter riverpod

434 views Asked by At

I have a list where i add items using riverpod. I wanted to replace an item in the already selected list.

What i have tried:

class SelectItemNotifier extends StateNotifier<List<SelectedMedia>> {
  SelectItemNotifier() : super([]);

 void addItem()  {
      state = [...state, SelectedMedia(
        file: file
        duration: duration,
        id: id,
        type: type,
        videoDuration: videoDuration

  void replaceList(int index, SelectedMedia futureFile) {  
     state.replaceRange(index, index + 1, [futureFile]);


In normal way, I can easily do

void replaceList(int index, List newList) {  
         lists.replaceRange(index, index + 1, [newList]);

But doesn't work with riverpod.


There are 1 answers

IonicFireBaseApp On BEST ANSWER

It should be something like

if states are immutable Create a local temp variable like

var temp =List<YOUR_LIST_TYPE>.of(state);
state =  temp.replaceRange(index, index + 1, [newList]);