How to render Angular Module in nextjs (React App)

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I am working to integrate Micro Front End, part of the integration we have to include angular app in nextjs, , So We have injected the angular remoteEntry.js , like below

   global: 'app',
   url: '',
}).then(remoteContainer => {

   remoteContainer.get('./ComponentModule').then(data => {
      webpage = data() // Here i am getting the Angular module 

So we are getting the Angular Module and app has been added to browser's window , So How can we render that in nextjs page ,

package used


There are 1 answers

Gopinath Kaliappan On

I made it using , next/dynamic

  import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
  const AngularModule = dynamic(
    () => import('app/dashboard').then(mod => mod.mount),
        ssr: false,

Then you have to call the Component like below

      <AngularModule />

Things to note

  • you have to export the method from angular app, which should bootstrap the app
  • you have to use the same html tag which is used in angular