How to rename the id header of a debezium mongodb connector outbox message

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I am trying to use the outbox event router of debezium for mongodb. The consumer is a spring cloud stream application. I cannot deserialize the message because spring cloud expects the message id header to be UUID, but it receives byte[]. I have tried different deserializers to no avail. I am thinking of renaming the id header in order to skip this spring cloud check, or remove it altogether. I have tried the ReplaceField SMT but it does not seem to modify the header fields.

Also is there a way to overcome this in spring?


There are 1 answers


The solution to the initial question is to use the DropHeaders SMT( This will remove the id header that is populated by debezium.

But as Oleg Zhurakousky mentioned, moving to a newer version of spring-cloud-stream without @StreamListener solves the underlying problem. Apparently @StreamListener checks if a message has an id header and it demands to be of type Uuid. By using the new functional way of working with spring-cloud-stream, the id header is actually overwritten with a new generated value. This means that the value populated by debezium (the id column form the outbox table) is ignored. I guess if you need to check for duplicate delivery, maybe it is better to create your own header instead of using the id. I do not know if spring-cloud-stream generates the same id for the same message if it is redelivered.

Also keep in mind that even in the newer versions of spring-cloud-stream, if you use the deprecated @StreamListener, you will have the same problem.