I have installed Sonata Admin Bundle and User Bundle in my Symfony 2.6 application. I found that the User bundle creates a bundle at src/Application/Sonata/UserBundle
. When I go to the admin user creation page (admin/sonata/user/user/create
), I found a lot of fields there:
- General
- Username
- E-Mail-Address
- Plain password
- Groups
- Profile
- Date of birth
- Firstname
- Lastname
- Website
- Biography
- Gender
- Locale
- Timezone
- Phone
- Social
- Facebook Uid
- Facebook Name
- Twitter Uid
- Twitter Name
- Google+ Uid
- Google+ Name
- Roles
- Locked
- Expired
- Enabled
- Credentails expired
- Token
- Two Step Verification Code
I only need Username, E-Mail, Password, Groups, Firstname and Lastname for my admin user creation. How can I remove the other unnecessary fields from that page?
Under configuration for sonata user bundle in
you can override sonata user admin class and define your own admin classNow create your user admin class in your extended bundle i.e
and extend your class with sonata'sSonata\UserBundle\Admin\Model\UserAdmin
, now inconfigureFormFields()
define your desired fields you want to addOr remove some of the fields :
for sonata user bundle