How to reload Page in blackberry cascades QML

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in my blackberry cascades app I have created a page using qml that loads data from backend after making an API call and works fine. But after I move to next page and come back I need to reload the data. i.e perform the onCreationCompleted operation again. Also the Qt.pageDef shows undefined after I come back so I guess if I could reload the page, it would work fine. I'm new to blackberry cascades, can anyone tell me what should I do to reload this page again and re-initialise Qt.pageDef?

Page {
        id: homePage

        Container {
                    //Some code to create listview

                      Qt.pageDef = contactListView;

                      //make api call and fill listview

There are 1 answers

Roger Leblanc On

Obviously, there are some part of code missing as you show us a Page but you seem to push a new page from a NavigationPane.

Add this to your NavigationPane : onPopTransitionEnded: { fetchInfo() }