How to register the events using C++ WinRT in console application?

230 views Asked by At

I'm trying to understand how to register the events using C++ WinRT using console application.

void Radio_StateChanged(Windows::Devices::Radios::Radio const& sender, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& args) {
    printf("\t Radio_StateChanged %ls\n",sender.Name().c_str());

void Initialize()
    auto radio10 = Radio::GetRadiosAsync().get();

    for (Radio const& r : radio10) {
        if (r.Kind() == RadioKind::MobileBroadband) {
            printf("\t Radio Change enter\n");

I'm able to compile the code successfully but if I try to enable or disable the Mobile Broadband / cellular through Windows setting I'm not seeing any events called.
How can get the StateChanged notification in 64-bit console application whenever the radio state is changed via windows settings?
I have Mobile Broadband radio present. I also referred the link but it's more on Xaml.

I wanted to listen the event called whenever the RadioState is changed via Windows Settings / Task bar.

What changes should be done in the code in order to run in 64-bit console application?
Is there a need of co_await and dispatcher in order to run in console application?
Should I need to use Xaml for console application?


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