I have a portlet "Portlet A" that displays a content and calls another portlet "Portlet B" with "runtime". So I have two portlets on the same page.
The "Portlet B" has a search-container. When I click on next or page 2 in the search-container it sends me back, I think this is so because it takes the url of the search-container portlet.
Is there any way that it just refreshes "Portlet B" (search-container portlet) and doesn't send me out?
Portlet A:
<liferay-util:buffer var="call">
<liferay-portlet:runtime portletName="com_liferay_document_portlet_DocumentFormPortlet" queryString='<%= "&id=" + String.valueOf(id) %>' />
Portlet B:
PortletURL portletURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL();
portletURLViews.setParameter("id", String.valueOf(id));
portletURLViews.setParameter("docsCur", docsCur);
total="<%= docs.size() %>"
iteratorURL="<%= portletURL %>"
results="<%= ... %>"
Could you help me? Thanks a lot!