When I run Rubinius' profiler, using something like
ruby -Xprofiler.graph test/test_suite.rb
with the following within the test suite
# Code for actual tests here
# create a profiler instance
profiler = Rubinius::Profiler::Instrumenter.new
# start the profiler
# Run test unit now
require 'test/unit'
class Test::Unit::Runner
@@stop_auto_run = true
# print out the profiler info
profiler.show # takes on IO object, defaults to STDOUT
I often see something like
1,379 methods omitted
1,424 methods called a total of 0 times
presumably because the remaining methods are too small to meet some threshold of time taken.
I tried using something like -Xprofiler.threshold=10000
, but it didn't seem to help.
How can I modify how many methods are omitted by Rubinius' profiler?
Use the -Xprofiler.full_report option.