How to reduce runtime of Julia code to find roots using "IntervalRootFinding.jl" package?

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I am trying to find roots using the "IntervalArithmetic.jl", and "IntervalRootFinding.jl" package in Julia. It seems that the code is running for an infinite time, as it neither gives roots nor terminates at some point. The code is shown below-

using IntervalArithmetic, Plots, StaticArrays, IntervalRootFinding
α_x = α_y = 100 * (2..3)
γ_x = γ_y = (2..3)
K_y = 10 * (2/3..3/2)
u = 1

g( (x, y) ) = SVector(α_x * u - γ_x * x, α_y * u / ( 1 + x / K_y ) - γ_y * y)
X = IntervalBox(80..120, 5..20)
rts = roots(g, X)
@show rts

Could you please help me to solve the issue? Thank you


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