How to redirect a url to a dynamic ip address but keep domain name in address bar? Dynamic DNS

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I am trying to create my own Dynamic DNS Server. I would like to remotely access my owncloud and apache webserver running on my RaspberryPi at home. My ipv4 is not public, but I have ipv6 setup and publicly accessible.

I have a cloud based host ( - running apache - from which I am planning to run my Dynamic DNS Service. Till now I:

  1. created a myip.php page on which stores my current ipv6 address in a text file (currentIP.text) on the webhost (my rpi has a bash script (ddns update client) which contacts myip.php with my eth0 ipv6 address every hour).

  2. created an index.php page on which redirects me to the latest updated ipv6 address.


$myFile = "currentIP.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
$theIP = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
//echo $theIP;
header('Location: https://['.$theIP.']');

Whenever I visit I am redirected to my home server ipv6 as expected. However the URL looks something like https://[20a2:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]/.

What I would like is to have my url show as for example, similar to what you get from ddns providers (ex noip). How do I achieve this?

I tried with apache mod_rewrite, but only managed to achieve the same redirect as with php. I checked into mod_alias, but this seems to require a domain name, and not an ip address.

Any help or pointers are appreciated. Thanks.


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