I'm using C# 2010 Express and Sql Compact. I have a table named as "Records" and column named as "Names" I want to list that names in a listbox.
I wrote that code but last line is thorws "ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized." exception.
SqlCeConnection Baglan = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=|DataDirectory|CeoDatabase.sdf;Password=CeoDB;Persist Security Info=True");
SqlCeCommand BarlariAl = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT Names FROM Barlar");
SqlCeDataReader BarlariOku = BarlariAl.ExecuteReader();
As to what to write next, assuming there's a list box named
(bold assumption given your variable names), you'd write:As an aside, you're not disposing your objects properly. It should look like this: