I have a working configuration for my vagrant box. Now I would like to provision my production server with chef solo, too. For that purpose I overwrite the apache user with the following json
"name": "Production",
"chef_environment": "production",
"run_list": ["recipe[my-website]"],
"apache": {
"user": "www-data",
"group": "www-data"
For the composer configuration I have the following in my attributes/default.rb
default['composer']['global_configs'] = {
default['apache']['user'] => {
'github-oauth' => {
'github.com' => 'secrettoken'
But chef resolves the key default['apache']['user']
of course to 'vagrant'
, because it is defined some lines over this code. How do I access the overwritten attribute for my production server and the standard for my vagrant machine? Thanks
Like in every other place: node['apache']['user'], sorry!