how to read ChannelMessages using ms graph win. service app (in Application permission) using current userPrincipalName

111 views Asked by At

We have a daemon app that connects to teams using MS graph. It's using "Application Permissions" mode and Admin consent is granted for most permissions. We are able to add channels (private or 'standard'), add/remove members, etc... from this service based on company requirements. All is well.

For the ChannelMessages, we'd like to be able to retrieve them based on userPrincipalName, from the same tenant that the app is registered in. (I know there is an ChannelMessage.Read.All with Application Permission and it requires us to submit a form to MS, we are not currently pursuing that route...).

Do we have to create ConfidentialClientApplication object to communicate with MS graph? If so, how do we create a ClaimsPrincipal or ClaimsIdentity, based only on userPrincipalName? Or is there a different solution to this problem?

Your help is appreciated.

thanks, Art


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