I haven't found the docs for that use case. How can I get the request body, ensure it's a valid JSON (any valid JSON, including numbers, string, booleans, and nulls, not only objects and arrays) and get the actual JSON. Using Pydantic forces the JSON to have a specific structure.
How to read body as any valid json?
157.4k views Asked by caeus AtThere are 7 answers

If you are confident that the incoming data is "a valid JSON", you can create a simple type annotation structure to receive the arbitrary JSON data.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from typing import Any, Dict, AnyStr, List, Union
app = FastAPI()
JSONObject = Dict[AnyStr, Any]
JSONArray = List[Any]
JSONStructure = Union[JSONArray, JSONObject]
async def root(arbitrary_json: JSONStructure = None):
return {"received_data": arbitrary_json}
1. JSON object
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"test_key\":\"test_val\"}"
"received_data": {
"test_key": "test_val"
2. JSON array
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[\"foo\",\"bar\"]"
"received_data": [
If you are not sure about the content type of the incoming data, better to parse the request body.
It can be done as,
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
app = FastAPI()
async def root(request: Request):
return {"received_request_body": await request.body()}
The advantage of this method is that the body will contain any kind of data, JSON, form-data, multipart-form-data, etc.

The accepted answer is valid as well, but FastAPI provides a built-in way to do that - check the Singular values in body section in docs.
A parameter with the default Body
gets all the payload that doesn't match passed Pydantic-typed parameters (the whole payload in our case) and converts it to the appropriate Python type. In case of invalid JSON, a standard validation error would be produced.
from typing import Any
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def update_item(
payload: Any = Body(None)
return payload
UPD: Note on first Body positional argument (default) - None here makes request body optional, ...
(Ellipsis) - marks it as required (passing nothing will actually keep it required). Read more in the Required with Ellipsis docs section
Also, this solution works for JSON containing only null
, true
, false
, any string, any number.

For those of you using BaseModel and want to have a JSON field, you can import Json from pydantic
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel, Json, Field
app = FastAPI()
class MockEndpoint(BaseModel):
endpoint: str = Field(description="API endpoint to mock")
response: Json = Field(description="Example response of the endpoint")
async def root():
return {"message": "Hello World"}
async def mock_request(mock_endpoint: MockEndpoint):
return mock_endpoint

This is an example to print the content of a Request
, it will print the json body (if it is json parsable) otherwise just print the raw bytes of the body.
async def print_request(request):
print(f'request header : {dict(request.headers.items())}' )
print(f'request query params : {dict(request.query_params.items())}')
try :
print(f'request json : {await request.json()}')
except Exception as err:
# could not parse json
print(f'request body : {await request.body()}')
async def create_file(request: Request):
await print_request(request)
return {"status": "OK"}
except Exception as err:
logging.error(f'could not print REQUEST: {err}')
return {"status": "ERR"}

FastAPI has a JSON encoder.
There are some cases where you might need to convert a data type (like a Pydantic model) to something compatible with JSON
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from pydantic import BaseModel
import simplejson as json
class SubmitGeneral(BaseModel):
controllerIPaddress: str
readerIPaddress: str
ntpServer: str
async def submitGeneral(data: SubmitGeneral):
data = jsonable_encoder(data)
#data = json.loads(data.json()) # same as above line
print(f"data = {json.dumps(data)}")
# you have to access the properties with brackets, not by dot notation
query = f"update LocalPLC set ControllerIpAddress = '{data['controllerIPaddress']}', ReaderIPAddress = '{data['readerIPaddress']}'"
return {"status": "OK"}
You can find nearly everything inside the
objectYou are able to get request body with
, which will give you the parsed JSON as dictionary.If you want access the body as string, you can use