I am trying to do a conversor from markdown syntax to Latex and vice versa. But I am facing a problem I can not solve so far. Lets say, we have the following text:
* item
* item
* _Italic_ item
* Item with __nested _italic_ text__
Right now, my lex program would do this to the text:
\item{_Italic_ item}
\item{Item with __nested _italic_ text__}
And, if I run the program again on that output, I get:
\item{\textit{Italic} item}
\item{Item with nested \textit{italic} text}}
Which is the expected result, But it is supposed to do it in one run.
I want to know if it is possible to indicate Flex to run yylex()
again on the output. Reading the documentation I've found something about Reentrant C Scanners
and Multiple Input Buffers
, but I do not know if that would solve my problem.
What is the best solution? Reentrant scanners, multiple Input buffers, or something more simpler?
I also thought on implementing the function yywrap
to tell lex launch the scanner again, but with no luck:
int yywrap(){
if (first_run == 1){
yyin = fopen ("/tmp/out1", "rt");
yyout = fopen("salida", "wt");
if (yyin == NULL) {
printf ("El fichero no se puede abrir\n");
exit (-1);
if (yyout == NULL) {
printf ("El fichero no se puede abrir\n");
exit (-1);
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
Here is my code:
/*----- Sección de Declaraciones --------------*/
%option case-insensitive
%option debug
%option verbose
int from_italic_text = 0; /* Para saber si venimos de una italic anidada en la bold*/
int from_bold_text = 0;
/* Primitives */
word .+
scstrong "__"|"**"
scem "_"|"*"
list ^"* "|"- "
/*----- Sección de Reglas ----------------*/
{list} {BEGIN(IN_MARKDOWN_LIST);fprintf(yyout, "\\begin{itemize}\n");}
^\n fprintf(yyout, "\\end{itemize}\n\n");BEGIN(INITIAL); /* si volvemos a detectar línea vacia, hemos acabado el itemize, o no era nada y salimos */
^"* "|"- " /* Eliminar la sintáxis de itemize en markdown */
[^"*"\-\n]+ fprintf(yyout, "\t\\item{%s}\n", yytext); /* Éste es el texto que compone cada línea del itemize */
\n yylineno++;BEGIN(IN_MARKDOWN_LIST); /* Si detectamos salto de línea, aumentar el número de línea, y seguimos comprobando dentro de IN_MARKDOWN_LIST buscando más items*/
{scstrong} { BEGIN(BOLD_TEXT_NESTED_ITALIC); /* Comienzo de un strong __....*/}
"__" fprintf(yyout, "}");BEGIN(INITIAL); // Eat the end and exit
"_" BEGIN(ITALIC_TEXT); // Hay otro elemento anidado, un italic, pasamos a procesarlo
[^_\n]* {
if (from_italic_text)
fprintf(yyout, "%s", yytext); // Texto a continuación del italic
fprintf(yyout, "\\textbf{%s", yytext);
[^_\n]* fprintf(yyout, "\\textit{%s", yytext);
"_" fprintf(yyout, "}"); BEGIN(BOLD_TEXT_NESTED_ITALIC); from_italic_text = 1; /* Llegado al último _, cerramos }, volvemos al stado BOLD_TEXT y ponemos from_italic_text a 1 para saber que estuvimos aquí, y no cerra antes de tiempo el \textbf*/
{scem} { BEGIN(ITALIC_TEXT_NESTED_BOLD); /* Comienzo de un strong __....*/}
"_" fprintf(yyout, "}"); BEGIN(INITIAL); // Eat the end and exit
"__" BEGIN(BOLD_TEXT); // Hay otro elemento anidado, un italic, pasamos a procesarlo
[^_\n]* {
if (from_bold_text)
fprintf(yyout, "%s", yytext); // Texto a continuación del italic
fprintf(yyout, "\\textit{%s", yytext);
[^_\n]* fprintf(yyout, "\\textbf{%s", yytext);
"__" fprintf(yyout, "}"); BEGIN(ITALIC_TEXT_NESTED_BOLD); from_bold_text = 1; /* Llegado al último _, cerramos }, volvemos al stado BOLD_TEXT y ponemos from_italic_text a 1 para saber que estuvimos aquí, y no cerra antes de tiempo el \textbf*/
.|\n {ECHO;}
/*----- Sección de Procedimientos --------*/
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc == 2) {
yyin = fopen (argv[1], "rt");
if (yyin == NULL) {
printf ("El fichero %s no se puede abrir\n", argv[1]);
exit (-1);
} else
yyin = stdin;
yyout = fopen("/tmp/out1", "wt");
if (yyout == NULL) {
printf ("El fichero %s no se puede abrir\n", argv[1]);
exit (-1);
yylex ();
return 0;
I finally came out with a solution. I do not know if it is the best, but it worked. I implemented
like this: