How to re-encode the content read from DataMatrix?

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I tried to interpret the DataMatrix code and read the following, enter image description here 0000 05 01 ff ff 00 00 30 36 32 53 ee 87 9e 00 0a 1b | ~~~~~~062S~~~~~~ | 0010 93 87 01 d4 1c 00 e2 3d 34 01 81 48 01 00 da de | ~~~~~~~=4~~H~~~~ | 0020 9b 00 00 00 04 00 02 00 00 5c fc 47 00 37 37 30 | ~~~~~~~~~~G~770 | 0030 30 07 be 06 2f 5b bb b2 c4 e3 9f 79 92 61 9a 22 | 0~~~/[~~~~~y~a~" | 0040 78 0c a9 c7 3c 6d 55 2f fc 7b 05 ca af 79 bb f9 | x~~~<mU/~{~~~y~~ | 0050 5f bb 38 14 54 41 80 5a 38 09 05 4f b9 2f 05 | _~8~TA~Z8~~O~/~ |

But when I re-encode the content back to the DataMatrix QR code, the scanned content is not the same as the above content. Is there any way to re-encode it into the same original DataMatrix QR code?


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