I am working on a project where in my component.ts file I am calling a post API which is giving me a response in the format

 email: string,
  employeeAddress: string,
  employeeId: string,
employeeLevel: string

I am not sure whether my approach is correct or not but here is my API calling code

 return this.http.post<{[employeeId : string] : Create}>('http://localhost:9900/api/v1/employee',postData).
    pipe(map(response => {
      var res = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response))
        const getCreateempIdArray : any = [] ;
        for(const employeeId in res){
            getCreateempIdArray.push({ ...res[employeeId]});
             getCreateempIdArray .push({...res[email]});
        console.log("Employee Id Array from Create employee Service " + getCreateempIdArray)
        return getCreateempIdArray;

Now the thing I want is that when I get my response then I want to push my employeeId and email corresponding to that employeeId in an array so that I can save the array in local storage and I can get the particular employee email through employeeId by the help of this array.

But when I do console.log(getCreateempIdArray) it gives me [object Object]

I just want to push the employeeId and its corresponding emailId which I am getting from response body into an array


There are 1 answers

Jose Vicente On

It is shown in the form [object Object] because you are concatenating a string with an object (using ' ' +) and automatically the object is converted to a string.

try this way:

console.log("Employee Id Array from Create employee Service ", getCreateempIdArray)

Instead of using a (+), use a comma (,) to separate the string and the object.