How to publish AutoML(Firebase) model with node?

89 views Asked by At

how can I publish the model not using the firebase UI but using the code? I'm already create a client witch fill and predicts my model using node.js. And from my client application I'm receiving my model by name like this:

 let remoteModel = AutoMLImageLabelerRemoteModel(
       // name: "training_model"  // The name you assigned in
        // the Firebase console.
if (ModelManager.modelManager().isModelDownloaded(remoteModel)) {
            options = AutoMLImageLabelerOptions(remoteModel: remoteModel)
            options!.confidenceThreshold = NSNumber(value: PRECOGNITION_PERSENTAGE)
            self.imageLabeler = ImageLabeler.imageLabeler(options: options!)
        } else {

From firebase UI to publish already trained model I can do something like:

enter image description here enter image description here

But how can I do the same with node or phyton? Any help?


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