How to provide dynamic styling to riotjs tag

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I want to create a riotjs tag to whom some style or css class can be added directly in HTML page. And I also can set some style attributes dynamically from tag script;

For Example;

<my-tag class="some class" attr1="" attr2="" />

    if(opts.attr1) //set some style to my-tag

I can achieve it by creating a HTML tag string with dynamic properties and insert as HTML to root. But I don't want to add additional child tag just for styling.


There are 2 answers

vitomd On

What about something like this. You pass some options to the tag, and then change the style classes dynamically. Check the example

<my-tag color="green"></my-tag>
<my-tag color="red"></my-tag>

  <h1 class="{opts.color}">{ message }</h1>

    this.message = 'hello there'
    .red {
      color: red; 
    .green {
      color: green; 
Gareth Oates On

You can optionally include classes onto your elements by using the syntax below.

    <div class="some-class another-class { my-class: attr1 }"></div>

    this.attr1 = this.opts.attr1;


And then in the HTML where you use the tag.

<my-tag attr1="whatever"></my-tag>

So if this.opts.attr1 is set, this will add the class my-class to the <div> element.