I am writing a Common Lisp macro define-computation
which defines functions in a specific way and marks them by adding a property :computation
to the property list of the symbol of the defined function.
The define-computation
is looking for forms which are funcalls of a function with the :computation
property set and wrap them with a specific code.
When I work in the REPL my code below is working as expected and macroexpansion allows me to validate that the defined-computation is properly wrapped by supervise-computation
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(define-computation c-2 ()
(format t "~&Compute something 2")))
(DEFUN C-2 ()
(FORMAT T "~&Compute something 2"))
However when my code is organised in an ADSF system so that c-1
and c-2
are in a file and c-3
in another, I see that the code generated for c-2
is actually not wrapping c-1
(DEFUN C-2 ()
(FORMAT T "~&Compute something 2"))
It seems to be true with SBCL and CCL64.
I am guessing this is caused by the interaction of macro expansion and loading/compiling logic but I am not well-versed enough in these aspects of Lisp to explain and solve the undesired behaviour.
Given the code below, how can I organise it in an ADSF module so that C-1, and C-2 are defined in a file and C-3 in another, and so that the macro-expansion of C-2 features the form (SUPERVISE-COMPUTATION (C-1))
instead of just (C-1)
when the system is loaded. (Again, evaluating the form below in the REPL will not display the problem.)
(defmacro supervise-computation (&body body-forms)
"Supervise the computation BODY-FORMS."
(format t "~&---> Computation starts")
(format t "~&---> Computation stops")))
(defun define-computation/wrap-computation-forms (body-forms)
"Walks through BODY-FORMS and wrap computation forms in a fixture."
((is-funcall-p (form)
(when (and (listp form) (not (null form)) (symbolp (first form)) (listp (rest form)))
(case (first form)
((funcall apply)
(second form))
(t (first form)))))
(is-computation-form-p (form)
(get (is-funcall-p form) :computation))
(wrap-computation-forms (form)
((is-computation-form-p form)
`(supervise-computation ,form))
((is-funcall-p form)
(cons (first form) (mapcar #'wrap-computation-forms (rest form))))
(mapcar #'wrap-computation-forms body-forms)))
(defmacro define-computation (computation-name computation-args &body body)
(defun ,computation-name ,computation-args
(declare (optimize (safety 3) (space 3)))
,@(define-computation/wrap-computation-forms body))
(export (quote ,computation-name))
(setf (get (quote ,computation-name) :computation) t)))
(define-computation c-1 ()
(format t "~&Compute something 1"))
(define-computation c-2 ()
(format t "~&Compute something 2"))
(define-computation c-3 ()
(format t "~&Compute something 3"))
Sleeping over it and looking at other people's code (thank you anaphora) I could figure out a better way to write the macro is
This ensures the property is set at macro evaluation time.