I obtained the following code from Isabelle's wikipedia page:
theorem sqrt2_not_rational:
"sqrt (real 2) ∉ ℚ"
assume "sqrt (real 2) ∈ ℚ"
then obtain m n :: nat where
n_nonzero: "n ≠ 0" and sqrt_rat: "¦sqrt (real 2)¦ = real m / real n"
and lowest_terms: "gcd m n = 1" ..
from n_nonzero and sqrt_rat have "real m = ¦sqrt (real 2)¦ * real n" by simp
then have "real (m²) = (sqrt (real 2))² * real (n²)" by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
also have "(sqrt (real 2))² = real 2" by simp
also have "... * real (m²) = real (2 * n²)" by simp
finally have eq: "m² = 2 * n²" ..
hence "2 dvd m²" ..
with two_is_prime have dvd_m: "2 dvd m" by (rule prime_dvd_power_two)
then obtain k where "m = 2 * k" ..
with eq have "2 * n² = 2² * k²" by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square mult_ac)
hence "n² = 2 * k²" by simp
hence "2 dvd n²" ..
with two_is_prime have "2 dvd n" by (rule prime_dvd_power_two)
with dvd_m have "2 dvd gcd m n" by (rule gcd_greatest)
with lowest_terms have "2 dvd 1" by simp
thus False by arith
However, when I copy this text into an Isabelle instance, there are multiple 'do not enter' symbols to the left of each line. One says 'Illegal application of command "theorem" at top level' so I assumed that you cannot simply define a theorem at the top level and the wikipedia page was not supplying a complete initial example. I wrapped the theorem in a theory as follows:
theory Scratch
imports Main
(* Theorem *)
Isabelle stopped complaining about the theorem, but, on the second line of the theorem, it now says:
Inner lexical error at: ℚ
Failed to parse proposition
It is also complaining about the proof line:
Illegal application of command "proof" in theory mode
It also has an error for the remaining lines in the theorem. What is the proper way to wrap this theorem provided by wikipedia so that it can be checked in Isabelle?
Probably you encountered some encoding difficulties - this was the problem in my case (I got the same error).
Isabelle uses so called 'Isabelle symbols' to represent unicode characters (see three (reference manual)[http://isabelle.in.tum.de/doc/isar-ref.pdf] from page 307).
If you use the
IDE that gets distributed withIsabelle 2014
looks the same as the\<longrightarrow>
(the Isabelle symbol). The first cannot be parsed, the second is correct. If you copy and pasted the wiki-code this is the reason why it broke.You can also take a look at the examples in
for further use of the isabelle symbols and the general structure of proofs written in the Isar language.